Sunday, February 24, 2013

100th Day of School

Hi Everyone,

This week, my students and I reached a momentous milestone - we celebrated our 100th day of school! It was a fun-filled day of various activities that my students really enjoyed. To quote, I remember one of my kiddos saying, "This is the best day of school ever!" to another classmate - adorable. As delightful and merry as it was to celebrate, the day week did not go without its kinks.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Keeping My Poise

Hi Friends,

Although Valentine's Day is complete hogwash (blatantly just a Hallmark holiday), there's no point fighting the kids. Kids LOVE Valentine's Day, or Friendship Day as we call it. Good lord, I think it was more popular in my classroom than Halloween and Christmas combined. Needless to say, energy levels were high. Herding and harnessing all that excess energy left me utterly drained, but at the end of the day, I'm glad I kept my poise.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow Much Fun Learning

Hi Friends,

Happy February! I don't know about you but I am so looking forward to the four-day weekend coming up, that's right we get an extra day. Oh, and I guess I'm looking forward to spending Valentine's Day with my special sweetheart too :). I just got done making some red playdough for the kiddos following the same recipe found here. A couple weeks ago they got in quite some trouble for leaving the lid off their green playdough and getting lazy with cleaning the center up once activity time was over. Hopefully the short playdough hiatus I enforced will serve as a reminder for them to be more responsible with their classroom materials. As far as my kids are concerned, playdough is a finite resource so they need to learn to take good care of it and make it last. This is an important concept in general but I think it's even more applicable to the current movement in education to teach 21st century skills.