#1 Viva Las Vegas
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Although I didn't participate in the main event at the Grand Prix I did enjoy my time at the Convention Center meeting new people and doing Vegas things with my boyfriend on the side. It'd been almost a decade since I saw Cirque du Soleil's O at the Bellagio with my parents so when my boyfriend decided (kind of last minute) that he wanted to catch a Cirque show before we left, I was super excited! With an hour to spare that Friday night, the concierge informed us that the only Cirque show with tickets available was Zumanity. You know, the risque one with the topless performers. I don't think it gets any more Vegas than that.
The boyfriend and I had a fun and enjoyable night at the intimate little theater inside the New York New York Hotel and Casino. Although some parts of the show were not my cup of tea, the acrobatics, dancing, and live music were all just stellar. It's hard to be overly critical when you're watching these performers effortlessly glide through the air and stage completing gravity-defying stunts while you're sitting in your seat with your mouth open in awe. It was a really special treat courtesy of my boyfriend.
#2 Graduation
I'm so proud of all of my friends who graduated this month! Congratulations to each and every single one of them for reaching this momentous milestone. I finished my undergrad in 3 years and went on to finish my Masters the following year so even though I don't regret any of it, sometimes, my college years do seem like they flew by in one big blur.
Claire has been there with me since the very beginning. I roomed with her in our tiny little triple with another roommate when we lived in the on-campus dormitories our first year as college freshwomen. The next year, even though we didn't room together, we lived in the same on-campus apartment. The following year we rented a house with a few other girls and then the year after that, we ended up moving to an off-campus apartment where we were united as roommates once again.
I'll never forget the countless adventures, laughs, and tears I've shared with Claire and all the other wonderful people I met in college. I'm so excited to see where their careers will take them!
#3 Sushi Cocktail Party
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#4 San Diego Blood Bank 5k
The last couple of 5ks I've run, I put in little to no effort preparing for whatsoever. With just under 3 weeks left until the next one and since I'm on my summer vacation, I decided to actually try and train a little bit for this upcoming 5k (hopefully this will ricochet any bad omens that my bib number might be trying to suggest) . My goal is to finish the SDBB 5k in under 28 minutes. I believe the first 5k I ever ran I completed in just under 30. Wish me luck!
#5 Ballroom Latin Dance Club (BLDC)
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I have to say, I am really enjoying myself through this new found outlet. I find dance to be an extremely satisfying and pleasant way to express yourself and connect with people. I actually went to my first real Salsa event last Wednesday at the Marriott hotel. I remember asking the Salsa instructor the night before if he had any tips for an unexperienced dancer like myself (a fish) going into a sea of experienced dancers (the sharks). I was voicing my concerns that I'd be eaten alive out there on the dance floor and no one would want to dance with me. He assured me that he'd had some of the most fun dancing with girls who didn't know what the heck they were doing but looked like they were genuinely having a good time. This was the best advice he could have given me. The second I stepped foot in that hotel I had a smile on and did my best to follow where the gentlemen were leading me, lo and behold, I don't think there was a minute where I wasn't dancing and smiling, genuinely having a good time.
When was the last time you tried something a little out of your comfort zone?
As always, thanks so much for reading!
That is a most excellent image in your mtg link. You've had such a rich and busy summer so far! Congrats to Claire and the others, btw. As far as stepping out of comfort zones, I'm more confident professionally than personally -- so your dance story is a good inspiration :)